Thursday, January 5, 2017

Top Kitchen Trends Of 2017

Since it’s a new year, there are bound to be some new interior decorating trends to explore. If you’re thinking of renovating or remodeling your kitchen in the New Year, you may want to be aware of them. It’s a good idea to hire a professional plumber to assist you with the transformation of your new kitchen.


Simple Classic Colors


plumbing upgrade DC


The first kitchen trend that’s on the horizon in the New Year is to keep the colors in your kitchen both simple and classic. Monochromatic colors such as gray, black and white will become very popular in the coming year. Talk to a professional plumber to make the right choices for your new kitchen including kitchen cabinets and backsplashes. Watching home improvement programs or reading interior design magazines are great ways to get ideas before you begin your kitchen renovation or remodeling project. A professional plumber or contractor can help you keep your project both on schedule as well as on budget. A professional plumber or contractor can also help you make the most of the existing space in your kitchen as well.


Bright Accents


Another popular kitchen design trend in the New Year is to add in bright accents such as painted fixtures and colored sinks. When it comes to countertops, granite is becoming much less popular than quartz.


Bold Fixtures


Like bright accents, yet another popular kitchen trend in 2017, seems to be bold fixtures. Oversized light fixtures and shades create the illusion of depth in particularly small spaces.


Storage Space


In the New Year, it’s also important to maximize the storage space in your kitchen. This is yet another reason why hiring a professional plumber is a great idea. They can help you make the most of the existing space in your kitchen. You may want to consider multi-tiered cabinets or folding doors.


High End- Appliances


High end appliances are yet another popular kitchen design trend for 2017. A certified, licensed plumbing professional can help you select the most energy efficient high end appliances for your beautifully newly renovated or remodeled kitchen. This frequently visited room is sure to be not only beautiful but also environmentally friendly as well. This is yet another reason why hiring a professional plumbing to help with your kitchen renovation or remodeling project is a great idea.


Plumbing Repairs And Upgrades


Even if you’re not interested in renovating or remodeling your kitchen in the New Year and just need repairs or upgrades, a professional plumber can help you with that too. Hiring a professional will keep you from making mistakes and also save you money in the long run. An experienced plumber will have the knowledge and expertise to assist you with plumbing repairs and upgrades in your area. It is easy to find a professional plumber to assist you with DC plumbing repairs for example. You can find the right professional plumber for you by using word of mouth or the internet. If you use these suggestions when you’re renovating or remodeling your kitchen you’re sure to be pleased with the results.

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