Sunday, September 18, 2016

4 Factors That Impact Whether To Move Or Remodel For Additional Office Space

As your business grows and expands its operations, sooner or later you will have to address a space limitation problem. Whether you need to expand the existing office space to accommodate workforce growth or to create floor space for a new department/division, you will need to come up with the most economical and convenient solution to alleviate the space problem in your workplace. Mostly, space problems can be resolved by either “carving out” new office space from the existing space through a simple remodeling project or by moving/relocating to new offices that suit the growing space needs.

Generally, renovation, which is an easy-to-implement and relatively affordable option, is more appealing than the business relocation option — a resource-intensive process that requires extensive infrastructural changes and logistical planning. However, there are some compelling reasons that might encourage or even force you to move your business to a new building. Consider the following factors when deciding on whether to renovate or move for additional office space.






Space Needs And Functionality


The most important consideration when deciding whether to remodel or move for additional office space is your firm’s space needs. In order to make a rational decision, you must consider both current and future space needs — factor in projected business growth in order to estimate future space needs. Remember, there are two main reasons for acquiring additional office: workplace functionality and employee satisfaction. First, as the business grows, you need to expand the floor space to eliminate congestion, ensure free movement and sustain efficient operations in all business activities; thereby enhancing workplace functionality.

Secondly, by creating a more spacious, airy, and lighted office space, employees will work in a cozier environment making them happy and satisfied; thereby optimizing workforce productivity. Therefore, if you cannot acquire any additional space through remodeling, you have no other choice but to move. Frankly, the office remodeling option is quite limited, in that there is only a limited chance of fulfilling your space requirements in a certain building or floor. However, compared to the business relocation option, the remodeling option is very dependable and convenient whenever it is applicable.


Project Viability


Before you dismiss either of the two space expansion options, you must consider the practicality or viability of each option in relation to your business needs. For starters, if you decide to go with the office renovation option, you must consult and invite a local, professional plumber to assess the viability of this option under the prevailing circumstances. For instance, you might call a plumber renowned for offering DC commercial plumber services in Washington, if you live in this city. This commercial plumber must assess whether you can gain the needed additional space through the restructuring project. If not, you have to no choice but to move.




Apparently, moving/relocating the entire business to a new building is more expensive than using restructured space layout designs to gain more space in an in-house remodeling project. Depending on your overall business strategy and other incidental operational factors, you can decide to lease, buy, or build if you go for the business relocation option instead of remodeling. Unfortunately, all these choices are costly and time-intensive because they all require the actual relocation of the entire business. However, you must not settle for office remodeling just because of limited funds. If your space needs necessitate relocation, postponing the inevitable move will become too expensive in the long run due to the cumulative remodeling and eventual relocation costs.

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